====== How to backup DokuWiki? ====== :?: How can I backup my DokuWiki? What parts do I need to backup? :!: Since DokuWiki does not use a database, backups are really simple. All you need to do is copy the files. The easiest way is just to backup your whole DokuWiki directory. If you want to save some space you should at least backup the following directories: * ''data/pages'' - contains your current pages * ''data/attic'' - all the old versions of your pages * ''data/meta'' - contains meta information about your pages (like who created it originally, who subscribed to it, ...) * ''data/media'' - contains your current media (images, PDFs, ...) * ''data/media_attic'' - all the old versions of your media * ''data/media_meta'' - meta data for the media * ''conf'' - the configuration settings * ''lib'' - will backup the installed plugins and templates (many optional, otherwise they will need to be manually downloaded again in a possibly broken interface) However, take care not to overwrite the default included core plugins. You can exclude the ''data/cache'', ''data/index'', ''data/locks'', and ''data/tmp'' directories. ''lib'' folder contains also core files, which should not be replaced, probably only plugins and tpl folders are useful. Note: if you installed DokuWiki through a 3rd party package like [[install:Debian]] the directory layout may differ. ===== See also ===== * [[faq:servermove|FAQ Server Move]] * [[plugin:backup|Backup Plugin]] * [[tips:backup_script|Backup Scripts]] * [[tips:backuptos3|Backup to S3]]